Yes mine is his brother's car, he had the rollover damage fixed, then had twins, I think, and never ran it again. About a year ago I looked at the car you have now, and really wanted it first, but didn't have any extra cash at the time. They were sitting side by side at Mike's house. When I went back recently to check, I was disappointed to see the orange one gone, but I am excited to get going on this one, it just needs a bit more work than yours.
Olerodder,go back about 15 days & look through the posts.John Kawolski put 2 pictures of my car on here.My car still needs plenty of work,hope to have the mtr done by the end of Jan.351W w/ steel crk,scat rods,probe flatops,crane .600 solid lift cam & hopefully vic jr intk w/ holley 800.Car has to be wired,fuel cell & plumbing done,sheet metal finished inside,all the weather strpping,front & rear glass then finish painting once the driveline is in.Need a radiator(new Alum.) driveshaft & many other small parts,also going to use a vac system.The biggest hold up will be the trans. & clutch $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.I`ll be 58 yrs old next June,& because I don`t want to have to pull the trans. out once in a while to replace gears & blocker rings I`m not going to accept anything but a liberty clutchless 5 spd & McMcloud dual disc adjustable clutch.I`m only planning on running this mtr. a couple of seasons & then building a high HP 408.A lenco can`t be used in some classes & the liberty will hold up to anything I can throw at it.I know several people using them,& several that want them because of their durability.I`m hoping to find a good deal on a used one when I`m ready for it,if not,then a new one will have to be it ($10000) for the set up.Soooo I may not race next yr,however I`m willing to accept that to get what I want.
You're 58!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Come on, I'm 66 going on 67 and I pulled my engine and trans out............and put them back in..........twice! You're just a young wiper snapper............. Why not get something to put in in the mean time and go's the pits to sit on the sideline watching everyone else have all the fun.
Both of you guys need to keep pics and document those cars. Those were a couple of the early players in the NMCA/PRO/FFW races...way back when lol. Just saying to be aware of what you have. If you look at some of the older race announcements/membership drives in magazines, you'll see both cars in photos at times Those are cars that someone will be checking this board for in a few years wondering what ever happened to them.
I'll second that request. Although mine isn't as well know as your guys car, I've got pictures dating back to 1979 racing at Fremont Drag Avatar is one of those.
John, just go back about 15 days on new posts & look for pics of Dan Gregory`s Maverick & you will see it.
Here's a link to the previous owner's Flickr page with some wheels up pics, and some of his dad's cars. I wish there were some of Mike's, now Dan's, car, but there are not. I will look for some.
I don`t know how fast Mikes brothers car was,but mine was around 10.30 w/ a steel headed 351w.That was pretty good for that period of time,I know both cars were raced all over the midwest,Mike told me that he also has run MIR & VMP at Petersburg so at times he was towing a long ways.I know they were running a nostalgia class on a circuit so if they were going to participate they had to go where the meets were held.Mike said after his kids came along it just got to expensive to do it.I`m on the other side,as I only have 1 left at home so a little xtra money once the car is built will allow me to race locally.I`m trying to build mine as heavy duty as possible,so I`m willing to buy the better parts 1 time instead of just making do w/ used or a sub par part that I know will only last a short period of time.That`s why the last 2 yrs I`ve been to events in this area where the Pro Stick & Classic Gear Jammers race to see what they are using,what holds up,& to talk to them about set ups.I don`t claim to be smart so I`m willing to ck out what other people have done through their trial & errors so I don`t make some of their same mistakes.
I would say if the guy was using steel 351w heads that is truly a phenomenal et. When my car was running B/SM it had a Boss 302/4spd and the owner would leave the line at 6500rpm with his Liberty mod'd toploader and went through the traps at 8500rmp.........and he was turning 10.30's................and that was in 1979/1981. Really wish I had that combo again.............but the next motor will.