Yeah, I know what you mean, I wasn't to happy color difference at first, but growing on me now. We had the seats done first and then when we brought the car to the shop, so didn't realize the color difference till then
No not the color differences, I think the colors you picked out look good. I'm talking about how the orange (metal part of the door) butts against the black of the rear panel. I really like your door panels,seats, and back panels.
Hey, I have to ask, does it feel weird driving a car with the steering on the other side? Really cool that you are building a Comet GT in the land down under when there are probably many more popular choices you could have made.
I drove the car from the motor trimmers to work on a busy main road (only a couple of blocks) and I nearly hit the curb a couple of times, I kept thinking I needed to be closer to right side of the lane