Hey guys! The other day I was driving aroung the city, and I saw the saddest sight ever. a 1971 mercury comet just sitting in someones back alley, rusting. I had been looking for a project car for a long time now so i went to the door and bought it. 700$. It wasnt running but after I boosted it she fired up and I drove it to my girlfriends garage where Its now parked. My intent is to build a track only car, but it wont be some preppy trailor queen and itll see a few nice summer nights but it's not my daily driver at all! A word of warning; I am 19, but I like to think I am wise beyond my years. I started driving with a 2000 cavalier (stop laughing) but my next vehicle was a 1986 Ninja that I learned to drive having never so much as ridden a dirt bike. My next vehicle (I still have the Ninja but sold the cavy) was my 2005 Chrysler 300C with a buncha boltons and a 100 shot of the giggle gas Thats mostly a "I understand most of the dangers of a fast car and will treat this baby with the utmost respect when shes on public roads" disclaimer. I had never even heard of this car, or the maverick before purchasing it. Even with week of googling now I have some questions. Its currently up on a set of four stands with the wheels (and a fair bit of external trim) pulled off, the transmission and pump pan dropped, most of the interior tore apart, and the head and intake and exhaust manifolds off. As well as the ignition sitting in my new found parts bucket My intent is to murder it out, from the wheels to the body to the interior trim! While im waiting for it to warm up enough to paint it... Im gonna sand it and fix the rust and one hole the previous owners let happen The seats, well my best friends grandmother is a seamstress by trade so shes gonna have some work on her hands A few questions; all drivetrain related so ill start at the engine and work back HOw can i tell what I6 it is? I read something about 5 frost plugs vs 3 but then another source said only tearing it all down will tell you. How much boost can these puppies take? As stated I have the heads off for some porting, so i can install double head gaskets etc if anyones tried and shown it helps. my goal is to be able to push 200 crank HP. More would be welcome. Also if theres a "hp" limit like most car forums have, what is it? By thatI mean, at what point can i expect the stock internals to This begs the question, how much can a C4 trans ( i believe this is what i have) take? Ill be installing a trans go shift kit. Working back.... differential, cheap sourcs of 3.55 gears? and SOME sort of posi? Honestly Im not opposed to a minispool (see above disclaimer and please dont preach, i listen to all advice, but i weigh it all for my own personal case) since itll see mahybe 300 km a year. (200 ish miles) but if someone knows of a locker in the 300-ish range I'd def consider it! Finally! Weight reduction! Any ideas? shoot.
from Northeast Pennsylvania Sorry, I know nothing about the 6 cylinders that came in the Comet/Mavericks but what ever you have is from 1971 when then didn't have much horsepower to begin with - my suggestion would be to get yourself a 302 which bolts right in or go the 351 Windsor route which is tight but is doable and maybe add a stroker kit
hey, I knew the 302 advice was coming and truth be told I have a source for a 302 should I blow the enigne outta this thing, an old torino sitting in my dads yard. But Id much rather play with the turbo, the worst thing that can happen is a few more hours in a garage!
You don't have to tear it down... First...count how many freeze plugs are behind the exhaust manifold/starter. If you have 3...then it's a 170 If you have 5...then you might have a 200 or 250...but you still need to check the water pump bolts... Next...count how many bolts are holding your water pump on. If you have 3...then you have a 200. If you have 4...then you have a 250
welcome to the group if you want to find learn some thing you will find it here there is basically 3 6's of that time 170, 200, that are both basically the same and a 250. a easy way to tell is the location of the starter. if the opening is up high it is one of the smaller 2 and if it is below the engine block it is a 250. this is a 250 5 plugs and the bevel at the bottom of the block. I can not help much with the juicing it up as I claim ignorance just like my spelling. most things you want to know can be found through the search tab at the top of the pages. good luck
Thank you, I didnt really believe there would be NO external identifiers, but if university has taught me anything so far, "dumber things have happened" Im under the impression that since it is a 1971, there is no chance of it being a 250, but I'd be happy with a 200! Thanks for the welcomes everyone! Ill try the search function for most of my questions, I have been using just google as there was a problem in getting my account activated. In any case, Ill probably start a project thread come christmas, it was implied that I am getting new air compressor and so Im hesitant to buy an electric DA grinder or anything really. She'll be in pieces for a while. Im just working towards the first time she can roll out of that garage Under real power.
from Atlantic Canada! Like others have said, there are physical differences between the 200 and 250. The starters on the 200 (auto) have three bolts, and the 250 has a two bolt starter. Also, check your VIN. Although the engine could have been swapped, it is most likely not the case. The 5th digit in the VIN will tell you what the car came with. T=200, L=250. Here is a picture of my 200. Notice the huge curved relief towards the top of the bell housing for the starter, compared to the same area in the picture posted earlier of the 250. Post up some pictures. Would love to see what you're working on.
@Dave B, having lived in every province (but no territories) at some point, I agree, but on most of the forums that I am a part of Canadians are a very small percentage of the users. I apologize if I somehow offended you @Paul Masson, I will for sure, I'll definitely be keeping you guys posted on its progress. Right now I wont get a chance to even see it for probably two weeks Finals + 45 minute drive one way + working most weekends = No car time for Brandon However I do have a photo, low res as can be, of the cars kijiji ad, I didnt know it was on kijiji but she had it lised for 1000
^^I would agree, Bob! The Canadian content of this forum is higher than most!! If memory serves me correctly, this car was on Kijiji quite a while ago, with pictures of it touring through Yellowknife, NWT with roof racks or something on it. I think it was Alberta Kijiji where I saw it for sale.
I missed it haha, common problem in forums! I'm living in Regina, Saskatchewan. And perhaps, the lady I bought it from had only had it briefly. She had rebuilt the carburator herself (this didnt scare me to much since Ill be buying a ford 2100 and slapping her on ) I just bought a Moderately nice Air compressor today, I was gonna wait til xmas, but it was a black friday deal and I couldnt pass it up! and a 300 piece tool set