Got a picture of it ? 7A101 is the actual "part number" and looking that up will tell you what the part is. ( 9424 is an intake, 6015 is an engine block, etc)
I did a search and 7A101 is a valve body cover. D2AP I would guess is a C6 part with the "A" in it (full size cars) And you're listing the engineering numbers here, not the actual part number. They're similar but not the same thing.
maybe I missed something here.. but I thought the first 2 posts in Dave's link above pretty much said it all.
maybe I missed something here.. but I thought the first 2 posts in Dave's link above pretty much said it all.......GOOGLE!!! is a wonderful thing...
If you posted what it (the link) said, nobody would have to go look. He asked a question, I answered it (or at least attempted to). You only posted a link. :16suspect