That's great! What's the scoop on the binder? Can copies/scans be made? These are great pieces of history. Nice find!
These are really cool Will...awesome find! I remember reading alot about the Jack Roush Mavericks awhile back...and also about all of the various "Boss Mavericks" that were built in the Ford "Backdoor Shops", by Ford Engineers. ...and so it's interesting to see some of the paperwork he signed with the FoMoCo deal. There's alot of info on the web for those interested in the historical Drag racing of Maverick and Comets...I'm sure our Drag Racing guys in this forum have tons of info. Here is one cool link that shows some of the Rousch/Gapp Mavericks:
Wow, that's pretty cool. Ford no doubt invested in racing big time back then, it was probably one of their best marketing tools.
I was sworn to secrecy about the location of a ton of cool Ford stuff. never got the chance to ask about copies last night, but I will. I have recently been introduced to some cool old guys who know people. Yesterday I got to tag along. The desk's owner is an awesome guy, but was constantly surrounded by a crowd, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him other than an introduction. I honestly felt a little like a Chrysler spy, thumbing through the binder, and snapping pictures with my phone. While everyone else was drooling on all the awesome Ford collection around me, I was locked on this book. Oh, I did get a few pics of other stuff to, before I looked on the desk. I'll try to post more when I get a better cell signal.
My dad is a retired Ford Engineer and ran a 69.5 Mav with a Boss 302 as an altered/GAS car. His company car Maverick also had a boss in it that I currently own.
That shows you that they truly believed in the cars they built. That's when cars were really built ford tuff. Metal was real. Not Plastic with foam.