Got into a bad situation on a fast road in a blind corner. It seems repairable to me. Love to hear other opinions. Headlight still works.
Definitely repairable. With the support available on this forum, I am sure you can get the parts you need. Hope you or anyone else were not injured too bad.
It was like a 2mph collission. I hit the rear bumper of a big durango, she stopped in the turn just past the apex so I wasnt sure she was fully stopped at first. It was a lot of circumstances and basically just bad luck.
Everything is repairable, just depends on the condition of everything else, one thing leads to's your insurance? Do you have collector car insurance? Or do you drive it like a regular car?
Its my daily driver and I havent spoken with my insurance since the lady drove off with my phone number in a hurry and hasnt bothered to call me. Id be going it alone anyway I cant afford full coverage.
With those big bumpers, it had to be more than a "2mph" collision. Definitely looks repairable, but don't be surprised if there's some minor frame damage. 'Sorry for your misfortune. That sucks.
First pull off everything that is un-boltable and then see if anything structural is damaged - anything that bolts on is pretty easy to obtain
That's a bummer... A shot that shows the RF corner as a whole would be helpful but that appears to be most of the damage... The inner fender, radiator support, etc can be straightened as necessary so the replacement fender will fit...
Merely a flesh wound! Definitely repairable. I hit a cow once in high school with my Comet and it looked about like that. Sorry for the bad luck. As much as I drive mine in traffic, it's a miracle I haven't done something like that yet.
If you look at the 4th picture, the rad cradle is bent, and it looks like the inner fender has a twist...hopefully it's solid enough to get it back into shape. If I was closer, I'd be right over to help....
If the damage didn't travel back to the spring tower he should be OK to straighten or a piece welded in - my right side was replaced from the tower forward at one time
I can get a shot of the whole front end tomorrow. The hood isnt damaged. And the big bumpers dont help for crap when they go UNDER the other vehicle. The bumper has a scuff and nothing more.