Earl, Where in SC are you moving? My son moved to Charlotte a few months ago. Went up there last weekend for a Corvette rally through the mountains. Pretty country this time of the year. Looked at a couple of lakes in SC for a future camping trip. Jim
Jim, moving to the Camden area, Lugoff to be exact, just NE of Columbia. Dad needs some assistance so I am going to see what I can do to help. I should be completing the move sometime in January. Hope all is well on your end.
Got mine Saturday, unfortunately I can say with all confidence that there is absolutely possibly way my car will be ready in time..... Maybe we will take my fathers 85 Mustang Vert.....
Less than a month to clean up the Grabber that's been sitting idle for 8 months under the carport....is transporting wasp nests over county lines illegal?
Got my notice, also. Guess I will be taking the dk aqua XR7 convertible again this year. Currently have the gold Stang convertible apart fixing a voltage problem that has been going on for some time. If I get it fixed, may take it on Friday for the Pony trails. Probably take the black XR7 htp on Sun. This is a GREAT show, folks!! Come on down!!! Jim
I plan on the pony run this year, as for the show I plan to go but if I get motivated the car may be torn down for a engine/trans swap... This will be the first year the show will be at a state park, I'm not sure what will be different though... The crowds might be bigger because it's only $10 bucks versus $40 last year...
Haven't been in a few years. I think the last time I went was the day it snowed. Man, that was a cold/cold day. I'm going this year, hope to see ya'll there.