Hey guys im new here and could really use some input. I just bought a 70 maverick roller. The plan is to put my 306 in the car with my c6 but ive run into a problem.. The gas tank is gone and i cant find one.. What should i do?
C6 will be tight. 70 trans tunnels are narrow, will not fit without cutting. Why not a C4? No clue where to get the tank.
from a fellow 1970 owner in Northeast Pennsylvania They do not reproduce 70 bolt in gas tanks so you have to get a good used one or a used one and have it checked and coated - not cheap anymore to find used in good shape - I have one but I'm still on the fence as to getting rid of it yet
Well i may go c4 i just already have the c6. Not really set on it just there. This sucks about the tank. Iguess im gonna have to dig. How about stick pedals? If i went 4 speed could i keep my bench seat?
In case I decide to sell my tank, I don't want to get into the shipping of it - would have to be a road trip to Mountain Top - 15 miles south of Wilkes-Barre
Ok well keep me in mind. Do you have any other spare parts ud be willing to part with? Id be willing to drive for them. I basically have a plain car need a hood and fenders too probably..
I can't help you with hood or fenders - only have what I need but I might have some other stuff around like most of the parts to do a front disc Granada brake conversion
I forgot about that lol. Well let me know if u decide to part with the tank and or disk brake conversion parts