Here is the problem. The guy who had the car before me, put on a grabber hood, bucket seats, rear seat, and the rear side trim with retractable seat belts. There is no place to bolt up the retractors. Should I just get another set of rear trim? Or weld in attaching points?
There should be a place on the body of the car (on the insdie) where the rear seat belts bolt in. Did the previous owner cut those out?
Well first let me say the Grabber hood is shot. I may take it to a sheet metal shop in the area and have it repaired or graphed onto the regular maverick hood I have.... As for where to bolt the seat belt retractors. The current seat belts, bolt in behind the seat, and are still there. I only assumed these would bolt on under the quarter window somewhere. There is not a spot to bolt it on that I see.
If I bolted them into the original location of the non-retracting rear lap belts, I couldn't put the rear seat back in. Or am I missing something...
To have retractable seats, you will need the rear seat side panels that have the slots in them for the belts to pass thru, and you will need the matching rear seat to fit those side panels. These were not available until 1972 mid model year. Your 1971 would not have had them from the factory, but maybe the previous owner got those parts and now you have them??? Looks like this: Can kinda see if here as well:
I think he said they were out of a 73 Grabber. But yes like those. I took a couple of pics and will put them up to better show the problem. Plus, tomorrow I'm planning on some more welding and will look a lot closer at it. Thanks....and nice car
I have the interior out of one of my 73's, I can take some pictures of where they mount, if that'll help.
I am converting a 71 into a 72. I compared the mounting location for the rear seat belts and they are in different locations. I dont believe you can mount the retractable assembly in that location and still get the side panels and seat to fit. Im going to relocate the mounting points to match a 72.
Thanks, My car doesn't have those mounts. But now I can fab some and install them. Thanks again for the help.