@ the 306 Thats a WAY larger undertaking than turboing a 250, and everyone is entitled to their opinions but a guy over on fordsix turbo'd his 200, with the stock 40 years old carb, stock heads, didn even replace the valve springs, stock ignition, you get the drift, and propelled his car into at LEAST low 13s, I think he even saw a 12 second time slip. (honestly i think he ended up shooting for an 11.99 but I cant say for certain as it may have been someone else SAYING he could do it) Thats pretty damn impressive and with a good hole shot would put a lot of 8s to shame, and remember, stock everything He did blow up a piston or two iirc, but thats almost entirely because he was having fuel issues, due to running a boost referenced mechanical fuel pump through a stock 1 bbl, and that one time he boosted it to 27 psi when he ran it witout a wastegate probably didnt help @ the nitrous oxide, Im not sure what kind of shot you could run on a 6, it can handle the pressures what with being a decently stout block, seven mains, etc, and uh, see above but it brings the power on in an entirely new way. I can't say for certain but I'd assume the all-or-nothing way that nitrous works would be a shock to 40 year old drivetrain parts. More than an equivalent gain through turbocharging. He should replace drivetrain parts anyway, but its always nicer to replace at your leisure, not cause youre nitrous broke something. Theres also the fact that many people consider nitrous cheating. I personally don't but the nitrous vs charger vs n/a discussion doesn't need to come into this lol @ the cold air intake ehhh, cold air definitely helps, but it almost entirely depends on the price you're paying for it.
Being this is Drag Racing forum I can tell you it's very rare to even see a Ford six cylinder at the track. There's just more after market parts available for the V8.
The plate system is easy to install, use an electric fuel pump too. Gene's car is a good example of a good running 6. Not many 6's at the track? Need to attend a National Event and watch some class racing. Nitrous cheating? Power adders are power adders, I haven't heard the cheating claim in a long time. Build what you want, just don't expect the 6 to ever be real fast without alot of money. After having mine a 6 since 1980, I was going to turbo it, but in 2005, I did the V8 swap instead. Like already stated, it is easier HP. Plus mine is for bracket racing, I figure NA would be more consistent.
Advancing the timing is a free gain in power. I wouldn't bother with the cold air kit, if anything, I'd do the two barrel mod on the fordsix site.
I am going to disagree with you here. Most guys on this site can easily do a 302 swap if they have the right parts. Making a blow through turbo setup work is going to take a lot of skill and tuning. I think the fastest na 250 I've seen was in the 14's . When I first started fooling with mavericks I wanted to build a fast 250, I done I lot of research and even with an aluminum head it was still a 14 second car. I'm not trying to be rude but to me it seems like the original poster is new to cars and I am trying to keep him from blowing his money and being let down by the results
A nitrous controller can ramp up the nitrous and fuel flow so that's it's not such a shock to the engine and drive train. But it is a PITA to keep taking the bottle to get refilled. I used to get about eight good runs on a 10 lb bottle with a 150 hp shot. At $40 for a refill that meant it cost $5 every time I pushed the button.
He never did say how much power, or how fast he wants to go. Since it is his everyday driver, I would bump the timing, clean it up and just drive it. Then save up and buy another car to hot rod. I've always had a minimum two cars, you don't want to walk if you break your everyday ride.
I disagree with this statement, a turbo will put just as much shock on the drive train (believe me I've broken a few parts). The way I look at it performance mods should be made depending on how much you plan to use them and the primary use of the car. If the OP is just wants a little more go for when they want to go to the track like once a year I'd go with the bottle. But if this is a car that is just for fun and is meant to have the pedal on the floor every time its driven then a turbo is what I would go with. Also I personally think the 250 is a great driver engine, but a junk performance engine. Swap to a v8 you'll be much happier and will go faster for less money.
yep. And when it ain't sittin' in an import.. people say "oh cute.. I wonder how it runs?". It can surprise on occasion.. but never makes it to the top tiers though. As for that 27psi 6 banger?.. LOL.. really loud. I won't even mention rpm restricted issues.. but the boost alone wouldn't even allow those valves to stay seated. Which could also explain why it burnt up(actually.. it detonated itself to death).. and cracked cast pistons like that. I wonder if he holds the world record for stock-block Ford 6 power? IMO, and I'm not saying many others haven't pushed big boost into bone stock motors before.. but knowing stock parts architecture and design spec.. I'd have to say that guy's either a liar or a cheat.. and likely a bit of both. Either that.. or the car weighs not much more than a motorcycle. Link please.