The wife has been away in North Dakota this week visiting daughter and granddaughter, I am here with the dog and cats and they are not very good company, I got bored and started messing around with my vinyl cutter...... \ Who in their right mind would have a whiskey flask that matches his/her car? I am very bored!
I am bored cuz it's been a month of sub-freezing in some/many cases sub-zero temps and confined to the house for the most part. Not to mention shoveling snow every other day. Three days ago had a massive car pile-up on Interstate 80-94 w/ some 46 vechicles damaged or destroyed -- it made national news. Worst winter I can recall and I worked outside for 35yrs. Anyway, today made it to 31deg. "felt like a spring day" - and yes "shoveled more snow". Glad I repaired my snowthrower augers B4 it got real cold - it has save my a$$. I was tempted to start the Comet and listen to it run, to lazy to remove the trickle charger. Im just going to wait till the wx moderates and be satisfied till then. This can't last forever.
Hi ya Everett, I hear ya on cabin fever! maybe I should get back into the ham radios, we could talk then, I still have my operator license, I got into CB radios some time ago and was talking to Oceanside city California, firestik antenna and 150w westcom linear with a Cobra 29 Classic that had added channels.
put me in a position to do some inside projects...Effie ask me to do the utility room floor like I did the guest bath last year... took up the old and put down the new...I'll admit I had some good help... Frank and Mason
Right now it has moonshine that a guest at the resort gave me a mason jar full of, Tennessee moonshine!
Nice looking floor! We plan on replacing my kitchen/dining area soft tile/lineloum squares. I installed the no-wax tiles abt 25yrs ago; I can say we got our monies worth. They are still in gud shape but don't have the shine anymore plus were tired of looking at em. This time we will have them installed; my knees/back are not ready for that type of endeavor anymore. If I had the kind of temps folks in ur part of the country cud get a lot more done outside. Since I will be inside for at least another 8weeks, I will work on my RC aircraft and make them ready for the upcoming season.
Hey Roger If I would have known you were bored I would have invited you to come over and work on my car. Next time just give me a call. Did you get the bumper off of your old 73 at p&p? I went by there last week and the car had been crushed that morning but the bumper was gone.
Hi Ray, if it was any warmer down your way I would have came down lol, today it's 70 degrees so I am out and doing stuff to my car, about the 73', last time I went over and looked, someone had stripped it of nearly every part it had, windshield, back glass, bumpers, gauge set, steering wheel (I got the blinker switch) pretty much any useable part was gone.
Frank, I have four boxes of self stick tile my wife was going to do the kitchen floor with it a year ago, looks like it's gonna be me doing it now, thanks for the reminder lol, ok so I'm not bored any more!