Its been a min but the vehicle if I remember correctly ran okay, its hard to gauge due to the many other things that were wrong at the time.
Okay I went a purchased a new fuel pump (if no other reason than to know that I was the last person to replace it and it was done recently, plus it was only 20 bucks). I have yet to put the new fuel pump on and test it but, so i know, what is a good pressure when i run the test on the fuel?
the pressure should be between 4 to 7 psi will be fine with a holley. have you checked your choke yet? its easy to pull the front bowl off and check to see if its clean inside and to check the power valve. check the power valve diaphragm to see if its stiff or soft. it should be soft. throwing parts at it will only cost you money you didnt need to spend. thats called shot gun repair.
Yeah I know, I only got the fuel pump i have been trying to get outside but it's cold hod illy tomorrow will be warm enough to get a full analysis