Son and I bought a Mav, its not our first old car for sure, and we are Ford guys, she has a 302/auto no ps or pb two door med. blue. Needs some front fender metal, other than that straight and true.
Welcome from Dubuque! Did you buy that in Cascade? I looked at one a few months back that sounded like what you are describing.
I did buy it in Cascade, A friend of ours bought from an elderly lady here in town, she bought it new. It had sat for years, I pulled it in my garage and replaced a few things gave her a tune up and she was running pretty good. Then my friend put it back in one of his garages for a couple years, my son got it out a couple times a year ago and drove it some but it sat all last year. Then he decided to sell it, some people looked at it but he was offered junk prices so he just called me to come and get it, I paid him what it was worth and we owned her, haven't done much to it this time, new master cylinder, new brake lines and the boy drove it all summer and we took it to some shows and cruises and are building a 302 for her right now. Fun little car. Where are you at?
Someone, either you or the guy you bought it from, called me and said they heard I was into Mavericks and wanted to know if I was interested in it and I asked what the price was, because I didn't want to waste my time and gas if the price was unreasonable. I was told it could be bought for $1000. I drove out there with $1200 cash in my pocket to look at it. When I got there, I realized that it was just a fishing trip to get someone to look at it and was told that it was going to the Monticello swap meet the following weekend to see what it woud bring. The $1000 price was no longer valid and I could not even get an asking price. I have never been more pi$$ed off in all my years of looking at, and buying cars.
Wasn't me, I didn't know it was for sale until he called me and wanted some tranny fluid, I wasn't home so I just told him where it was, when I got home he pulled into my garage and said he was taking it to Monti. I then said, boy I did a lot of work to it I would like a chance to buy it, then he said the only offer he received was a few hundred dollars. So I offered him some money and we bought it . The next day was the Hopkinton and I took her on over there and had a blast with her. Are you going to Monti this month
I told him I had cash in my pocket and asked if he had a number of what he would take (mind you, he had already lured me there with the $1000 figure). He said he didn't know what he would take, so I jumped in my truck and took off before I said something I would regret. I never bother with Monticello stuff. I don't need any Chevrolet or circle track stuff. For what it's worth, I would find a nice pair of fenders rather than trying to patch those. You will be money ahead and have something solid.