I've got a 70 with a 6 cyl and the throttle cable is not hooked up right. On my 70 the cable stretches over to the pass side where it bolts to a bracket on the pass side. however that bracket doesn't connect to the carb, and I don't see how it could also, at this shop is a 74ish maverick, that has the throttle linkage hooked up via a bracket on the DRIVER side, which goes straight to the carb how is the 70/71/72 or so 6 cyl throttle linkage hooked up?
I Would like to see this as well ... My cable/linkage was rigged, probably by the same dude who built the carb....
Wow....this was 6 years ago. Not sure if I even have the pictures anymore. Email me DIRECTLY (see below) and I will look.
I seem to remember a short rod that attached to the primary lever from the throttle cable, pushed "up" and forced the throttle blade lever over towards the driver's side, opeing the throttle blade. It was quite the intricate set-up. The cable was very long, and did not fit into my 77 when I tried to swap the 70 200 into my 77. I think the 70 cable snapped into the firewall, where the 77 cable bolted into the firewall. I remember making my own kickdown rod to work with everything... The 70 throttle cable pulls from front to back, while the later cables pull from right to left. I thought I had a picture of my old 70, but it's from the wrong side.
Great info ! Its funny, my bell crank looks to be a mirror image of the on it pic. The previous had It hooked in correctly, but according to diagram its still wrong. The bell crank goes on only one direction .... because of different hole sizes. If I hold the bell crank so it would line with cable, similiar to diagram, the long arm (to carb) is facing forward, rather than rear. (Last pic)
I am going to run a 36" Lokar cable....and make the stock bell crank work for now. This way, I will be ready for the EFI 5.0HO engine in the future. Just wanted to post the differneces I noticed.