Engine wont start Engine wont start its getting spark and sometimes it will run for like 2 seconds but wont stay running any suggestions
See if you're getting power to the ignition with the key in the ON position. I've seen ignition switches fail in way that the car would start for a second while cranking it over, but die as soon as you release the key.
Ive checked the timing its hotting its marks but im seeing it jump around sometimes to could the timming sprockets not have been put on right
If its jumping around I'd say your distributor is bad. I had one doing that, but was running decent, and found out my distributor was bad. Either way if its jumping around you have timing issues that need to be resolved before you can really diganose anything.
Balancer can only be installed one way. Pointer could be installed incorectly but I doubt it. If your timing marks are jumping around then you have issues that need to be checked. If its not try moving the distributor around and see if you get any better results.
Ok i took the timing cover off today and noticed my timing tabs werent pointed towards each other so i fixed that and then took a look at my distributor and the points were burnt.