You can have the plastic media blasted. With the proper media it will strip the paint and not harm your plastic. Also make sure you use a paint to plastic adhesion promoter like bully dog and that will help the paint adhere for the long hall.
I've got one of those black consoles to. but it has a maverick block out plates on it. Guess I'll have to make a comet one.
Well.... Oven cleaner did not work, bought a non caustic and a caustic variety. Nether broke down the paint (about two hours each). I tried some other chemicals in small places underneath, kleen strip and acetone. Both are way to aggressive, ate at the plastic a bit but no real damage. Really don't want to send it out for soda blasting. Any other idea's?? I looked up youtube but all seem to require soaking. The interior felt would not make it through the night (at least I don't think). Let me know!
First, great write up Kevin! Here is paint stripper recommended for Plastic, it is called Scalecoat II/Wash Away. Made in USA by Weaver Models and can be purchased in any Hobby Shop. Used for stripping paint from Model Trains, Planes, Cars is reusable, will not craze or wrap plastic. I have used it on many of my model kits......good luck!
100% painted, overspray on the bottom, I tested it. Acetone and kleen strip take it off but damage the plastic in the process. (That's a good thought though.)
Sorry to hear the oven cleaner didn't work ... that should have taken 15 minutes if it was going to do the job. Makes me wonder what kind of paint that is. Perhaps a vinyl dye?
Progress! So oven cleaner does work! I talked to model guy at the hobby shop, he suggested a 24 hour soak in a plastic bag. Did it and SHAZZAM!! It worked for the test area, off to do the whole thing! Only down side, it takes off the felt, I'll have to come up with a solution to that.
Here you go, I used it in the past and it works great: Here are photos of the above product used in a homemade jewelry box:
Switched from oven cleaner to Simple Green. The oven cleaner took off about 60% of the paint, the Simple Green bath has been going on for about three or four days. I have about 5% to 10% paint left on, mainly in the tiny nooks and crannies. I figure by Sunday It'll be clean and ready for the next steps.