well I killed my first engine today. threw something through the oil pan. Im suspecting a connecting rod broke. I wont know until next week or so when I start to tear it out and see what happened Im just going to toss the motor for scrap after I pull it out but I want to see the carnage of what all broke lol the worst part is now my beautiful powder coated oil pan is junk the hole is in the shallow back side of the pan in the left corner any ideas before I tear it apart just for fun
I had a wrist pin break on my olds diesel years ago 20k after what I thought was a complete rework- come to find out they needed rebushed. wes
kicking the snot out of a honda............no not really I was just getting a little rev in there just before shutting the car off from an easy trip two blocks away and back to get my son from school got a short rev in there and heard a clang clang clang and smoke was everywhere before I could turn the key off the car still starts and runs ok just clanging and puking oil from the hole in the pan and yeah that was the before I dont have an after yet.
I did that with a Volkswagen 1600 once. Rod was banging out the side of the block, but it still ran on three cylinders. Just not very well. How high did you rev it? Sounds like it was on its way out anyway, unless you revved to 7 or 8 thousand in neutral.
I dont think it got to 4 grand before it broke but whats funny is I have been beating on this motor since I got the car and this is the first sign of trouble Ive ever had I even went as far as running it to 8500 rpms on a dyno once and the valves werent floating the building sounded like it was going to rattle the bolts out of the walls lol heck just the other day I ran it to 140 on the freeway guess I just hit it one too many times once I get the motor out and find out what killed it Ill send it to motor hell :evilsmile so it can be turned into a bunch of honda parts oh well lots of fond memories have been made killing it
Yup, anytime the pan is knocked out around the mating surface of block, it's almost a sure bet a rod let go...
I have heard that revving it in neutral, without any strain on the engine, is the worst thing you can do. Worse than spinning it to 7 or 8k with it in gear and moving. Not sure if that is true or not, but your situation certainly suggests that it is...
Dude, that sucks! Although it is about time you blew that thing up. You better hurry up and pay off that other motor.