Separate names with a comma.
nicethought jamie.. did jsut that exactly.... way worse than before now... and thats after checking and rechecking everything for three days.....
yeah matt... the spring on a c4 that goes from the frame to the kickdown rod. that holds tension on it.
thanx for the info.. now i could just find the right spring.. :16suspect why o why did i lose it????????:slap:
kewl.. i got it right... sorry it took so long
Does anyone know the specs to the spring that goes from the frame to the kickdown rod on my c4 trans? i lost it months ago when i replaced the...
stefan.. please let me know if you get my payment.. still dont know if i got the paypal thing right.
go for it jamie.. id like to keep mine a 250.. good luck!!
kewl.. thanx..
pa is jsut a lil bit too far.. :-)
oh wow.. i knew there was a post i meant to check back on... oops.... prolly missed out on that 250 ...:bawling:
jamie.. no we are not very far apart... it will run... but not very well.. i can do anything externally to a car.. but internal engine is not...
true enough.. but only a matter of time till i start getting complaints. i hate homeowners associations... know whats funny tho?? could park the...
you dont care for four doors do ya? i like em tho..
last time i danced... i broke her toe.... we have been divorced for 7 years now...:evilsmile
it would have to be a short dance...
:Welcome: ok.. heres the story.. some of you may remember me.. i post very infrequently . usually because i am too busy reading all the threads....
hawkco.. you got a 250 for sale?
i think she likes my mav more than me......
odd... my fiance said.. " if you get your maverick that nice.. ill wear the same outfit and pose for you"...... :mg:
<----1 72 4dr currently frustrating the heck out of its owner... anyone want it?