I live in north Mississippi and on may 2 my home was struck by a class 3 tornando with 160 mph winds. I lost everything but my beautiful wife. I...
The older I get the dumber I get. I forgot to hook up the ignition wire I was too much in a hurry to fire it off. She purrs like a kitten the car...
Just installed a petronics ignition everything is new but the plug wires and it will not fire . Is this my problem or do I look elsewhere? Car was...
Pulley Problem This is a stock 302.
I chaznged a power steering car to manual now my pullys do not match up . D o I need a different water pump or what ? The belts do not line up ....
On the driver side of my car next to the windshield washer fluid tank is a switch / button with 3 wires 2 red 1 white. What is it, the 2 red wires...
I got a really nice 1 wire alternator kit, now my problem is while removing the wiring tape I find all the wires are the same color. Looks like...
I want to change my alternator to a one wire setup . Could someone give me some instructions or pictures on how to do this and which alternator is...
Poly spring bushings Mine were too wide also, I just took a belt sander to them on their big ends put a little slickem on them and they went...
Just got a B and M shift kit from Summit, was wondering if anybody is using one? Not many pieces for the money. I was thinking of using the stage...
While doing a filter and fluid change I found a small white plastic piece in the pan. It is about 1 and a half inches long a small stem on one end...
On a stock 302 it has headers and pertronic ignition what would the plug gap be set on? THANKS!
What all is involved in changing over to a 1 wire alternator? What do you do with the left over wires? Cut them off or just tape them up and leave...
What do these torque to? Thanks for any input.
It`s kinda pricey but you can make them with the door weather stripping. Just cut one end so it will be straight , start installing when you get...
Does anyone know what to torque upper control arms to? I would really like to know torque values of the whole front suspension. Thanks for any input.
headers I just installed hedman shorties on my 74 maverick part #88400 and they went on without a problem. But I took the power steering off my...
What the U bolts torque at with an 8 inch rear? Thanks.
Will shorty headers of any make fit a column shift car? How about Hipo exhaust manifolds? Thanks for any solid imput.
:huh: I have been thinking about a new engine...... just thinking, you know how we like to do that. The prices go from one exterme to the other...
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