what i know is that you cant´ install a hurst shifter on those fake toploaders. if you want more info on this check this page:...
i installed a 8.8 rearend in my maverick. but was from a 1989 mustang gt and is a positrac. that 4 speed transmision of yours is a toploader. i...
if we install one of this coil overs, do you think we can go a little more deeper with the cuts?
why not a 300 L6 ?http://www.carcraft.com/featuredvehicles/ccrp_1108_1971_ford_maverick/index.html
i used a 1967-68 mustang gt gas cap i used a 1967-1968 mustang (gt?) gas cap, i had to grind the back of it so it seats flat on the tailpanel,...
i will try next year to install a wheel lip from a new patch of a classic mustang. they cost around 41 dlls. cheaper and easier than fabricate them.
Inferior Mavericks? most of the Mexicans Mavericks where V8´s... hey, we even had a 1967 FALCON GT: http://www.falcongt.com.au/mexicangt.htm
yes, nothing better than a good carburetor. IF YOur´e worried about mileage, get a motorcraft 2 barrel carb with small jets.
your´e the BOSS!!
just found this on the NET, SPYDER WHEELS, but they´re pricey on ebay. and the ones for sale have the lug patterns for other vehicles.
hi, Does anybody know the name of this vintage wheels that FAST EDDIE used on his Maverick and Cougar?
you have to buy headers for a car that have rear sump oil pans, like t-birds, or 1980´s mustangs i think. i installed a mustang II sistem in my...
this AVANTI seems to be a lot of fun: [media]
check it out:
i installed a 1969 CRAPMARO front spoiler. ebay dirt cheap, only mod was cutting a little triangle in the center (in the bolt holes area) so you...
by the way mexican Maverick have maverick hood, grill & bumper ...not comet.
I live in Monterrey the Mexican City where they Supposedly made that Shelby Maverick... never saw one of those... the closest thing i ever saw was...
it needs to be open to get air into the engine. the more close the more rich fuel mixture, if you close it the maverick will stall or puff black...
My 1970 Maverick have a 8.8 rearend from a 1989 mustang gt, i swaped the 5 speed T-5 also. i have no issues with that because the driveshaft is...
when i bought my 1969 mustang in 1993´, the 302 in it worked fine, but i realized that when it was hot, it started to produce white smoke, alot...
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