I hope so, I have no pic yet. I don't have the motor. My friend is doing some work for a guy (he is a high end fabricator) and this guy has a...
Really, you would do that for me! Thanks for the Link!
Good Question, it should be SOHC. Was Racing Motor to compete with Chrysler.
I don't know if I really want to stick it in my Maverick, but just wondering what the engine would be worth now-a-days. You guys are probably the...
No, I have a new one. I was just replacing the regulator and the wiring and I have a new alternator. I will try that. That's a good idea.
Yeah, I hear you. I can imagine what the salt and water does. I suppose if I didn't want to fool with rusty bolts, I shoulda restored a new...
Yep, The bolt turns slightly in the block but the alternator is stuck to the bolt. Yes, we did get some cold weather, but I had tried before...
I have been replacing some of the electrical system on my Maverick. I have been trying for a couple of days to remove the Alternator. Easy Job...
That's cool thanks! I am going to try this. I want to get a decent paint job for my maverick but that's a couple years out. This should tide me over.
I have the one you sent the picture of. I have used it many times on my Jeep and for a while i was in the console. It is ok, nothing like the...
Someone will come along with more help than me but I just wanted to confirm something. Did he give you the original carb? I would rebuild that...
I once used a holly 4barrel spreadbore quadrajet replacement carb on my 71 grabber. When those big secondaries kicked in and the motor actually...
I have had pretty good luck with PB blaster and rusty bolts. Patience and a small breakover for feel. Some people use heat also, but I am afraid...
We had a Ram for a couple of years. The non-hemi motor. What a dog. We used to have a 22 foot cargo trailer that the thing would hardly pull. I...
Still interesting. I was just talking to my friend about 10 minutes ago about mine and I was asking him if o'rielly would still have one and he...
Really, I guess it was the shade on the first picture. It looks much darker. Mine is this color but I have major rust on the hood and door. A...
No, I don't think that will happen. :biglaugh: I would like to eventually like to paint and stripe like 7D2's car, but it would be nice to just...
Very nice! :dance: Thank you for the picture. Very nice car. I guess the second pic is before the paint? That pic looks like my car. On the new...
Hey, that's a great idea using a Tent for a paint booth! I just don't have a place to paint and I have plans to build a shop, but this damn...
Sounds like it will be a nice looking ride!
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