i don't say it's unusable i say it's unpractical an never used in the industry
thank you all !!
that's right i personaly wont feed 35 mil and higher wire on a 110 mig welder as it dont push enough amps to work good 23 mil wire is good for...
i can sho you pic, you know problem is, on a forum, it's hard to give you exact description. i understand what you say. been there done that ......
try flux core on streight polarity and on co2 gaz and i guaranty you you will love it .... when well ajusted flux peal right off and ther is NO...
i'm certified welder fabricator so i know what i'm talking about there is loads of fluxcore out there and onley some are autoprotected and those...
sorry to contredict you guys but depending on the type of fluxcore you use and if you use CO2 as gaz you are not suposed to change polarity on...
it soooo mutch sound like me i just can't live with brown interior
that hurt .... it was so nice before ... what append ?
gratz man !!
this scort will be mean!!!
dextron 3 is what thay use now
can be the distrubuter gear just one toot off , append on my XR4TI ... sound was there but nothing on the power
That's bad !! i never knew thay did that, i tough it was a good plan as it got clunkers out of the street but parts should be avalable for peoples...
i know spectra premium ther factory are 10 min away from my place, my compagny build all there peint shop and oven i've installed some . thay've...
cool bonjour !! msg moi on ce pognera sur msn
absolutly 195 65 r14 would be whitin 1.5% of the original diameter (so no trouble for the speedo)...
i know a place that build tork converter here i'm almost sure you will get a great price pm me i will give you his number
hooo mannn i can't belive this unless you have wire graber you will have to remove the pan sorry for that miss aps best of luck geting the...
lets see... 1970 6 cyl that makes 1421 ?
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