Some things I have found, Over $100.00 in quarters in baggies hidden around the inside of a truck ($20.00 per bag) and they were not rolled. A...
I had the same problem with my Ranchero then my kids Comet and it was that the Choke was to tight, minor adjustments and they both start...
Installed a new carb and fuel filter.
It's 1/64th made by Hot Wheels.
You may just need a good tune up, plugs, wires, cap etc but also change your PCV and such as well as the air filter. Get your tranny serviced and...
:cry: Can't see it.
Thanks All. We have also have a 79 Ranchero and a 78 Bronco in our Family, I guess we just like the 70's Fords.:cool:
Hello, I'm new as well but from the other end of North America, Canada.
Yesterday I played with the carb, this morning it's getting all the filters and oil changed and early next week the rest of the fluids will get done.
That is an incredible car, it must draw alot of attention wherever you go.
I still see the odd one around here and Pick N Pull in Kelowna has a 70 or 71 I can't remember, I did get the grill emblem though. :cool:
Nice car, I like the Pick up in your sig, I had a 63 4x4 years ago.
Nice Colour.
That is a nice Comet.
Hi, we just picked up this 77 Comet for my Daughter as her first car. She wanted something a little different than the other kids going to high...
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