Dont be surprized if u will have to replace it n few in mouths
Cardon is junk trusted me when i say this TRY A DIFFERENT ONE becoause iv had alot of problems out i went throught about 9 of them in about 2yr...
I also had this problem with the reman. Dist. I just set it a tooth off and mine fell into place
nice .......
well iv been busy working lately and still havnt got the maverick road ready but its getting there..... for some reason i keep having a problem on...
i seen on tv once of how they plastic dip.... it was a motorcycle tank and finders and it looked cool but id say it would be pricey
the only thing u should need it the rubber brake line becuse the one that are on the drums wont fit the disk brakes
the sad part is...i scrolled back up look for a nova and then it dawned on me :hmmm:......... but the best one iv hurd yet is nice chevelle...
x2 on this
any updates
i know where 2 are at just rusting away
yea after looking at them a while i think so too there is a lot of stuff that will fit a maverick that says it wont.... yea i wasbut there is...
well finally got the maverick back on the road after a mouth... its kinda funny with 5 lug on the front and 4 lug on the back but its back on the...
if it was the blue one then yes it was one of ur hood....and it looks killer :thumbs2:
u will still need ever thing i listed but im not sure if the the yoke is the same or not u could ask and see...the speed o cable is the same as a...
depends on what ur looking for :rofl2: if ur talking about the z bar then no but i could get a few i guess yes same demensoins = heavy :rofl2:
could someone tell him im not always a bad person
u lost me on this.....i just used the tranny i had in the car a 3 speed o/d its just like a 4 speed except its has a o/d gear as 4th...
..................:hmmm:............:rl:.....never show off like that hmmm
[media] and i seen him do the same thing only running about 20 mph up the strip in somerset
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