Looked at it. Thought about it. Made some plans. Been a while since I've been on here.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
After about a year of lies and lame excuses, SMS finally sent my red vinyl top!!! [ATTACH][ATTACH] My wife had ordered it for me for Christmas...
Yeah I was confused by that. Does the build sheet originate at the dealer when the order is placed?
Was finally able to locate a guy who is the son of the man who owned the dealership where my Comet was originally purchased! He was only about 12...
My deluxe report and statistics report both say "red full vinyl roof " but the paperwork from SMS calls it "red tweed". Does your...
Yeah, I always thought mine was supposed to be solid red like yours. The scrap piece I found had the dark traces, but I figured that was black...
Found the correct red vinyl for the Comet! Just need to find $549 now :) [ATTACH]
Took the Comet to the Woodward Dream Cruise today! Only saw four Mavericks total, one of which belongs to another forum member whom I met up with....
Sticker shows 8A. I thought that maybe somebody ordered it this way, and needed it right away, so they found something close and changed it. But...
Found the build sheet! Seems like the more info I get, the more questions I have. It appears as though it was originally intended to have red...
Found two items that I thought were gone forever!! Went up north to collect some more of my dad's tools and stuff, his wife informed me that she...
[ATTACH] Put my 1971 plate on, cleaned needle and seat, plugged a few vacuum leaks, got it running smooth and hit the road! Went to the gas...
[ATTACH] Got my sending unit today, putting the gas tank in now. Finished the brakes last week. Yesterday the alternator went out, so tomorrow...
My '71 has been in the family for 25 years! My father bought it June 1992. I've only had it a few months though.
Yours looks great, but have you ever seen a red top on a black car? Still haven't fully decided to go ahead with it, would like to see it first.
Thanks! Can't wait to see how well those red center caps will go with the red vinyl top.
Put the new wheels and tires on the Comet today!!
Sorry I was going to wait til they were installed
Got an awesome set of aluminum slots for the Comet for my birthday, thanks to my beautiful wife! (haven't installed them yet though) Also thanks...
Thanks. Fortunately 4 of my kids were able to be there with me today. Got it going, but only for a minute because the gas tank is out of the car....
Separate names with a comma.