if you noticed in the first picture there is a toggle switch. That is used to turn on the back up lights. I believe that the backup lights are...
I WANT TO REMOVE THIS THING. IT IS IN THE WAY. former owners bypassed it but it may not have been done correctly.
What did you have to do to remove this junk. I think it maybe the bane of some electrical problems I'm having.
I must have been typing I found it reply at the same time you where typing yours Thank you very much for your help. I may require your assistance...
ok guess I found it. side marker light socket must have been replaced at one time. wires chopped off and another socket taped in no connectors...
okay I'm baaack. battery checks out find across the terminals 12.36 volts. small amount of voltage without switch on. .04 volts both lights. With...
okay going to check be back with the results thank you very much
ahh thank you very much for the wiring diagram. okay next I set the voltmeter to 20 dc setting put the red test lead in said connector hole (red...
ok now for another question how do I check voltage I have a volt meter and I hate messing with electric anything. but it seems that I am the only...
hello need help with the dang healights on a 1975. Had headlights working then they slowly dimmed then went out. I have parking lights dash lights...
can I remove the box or does it have to stay there?
ah very interesting. wonder if someone may have already bypassed this already, seeing how the car starts without the seat belt latched. must...
what the heck is this and where does it belong? [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks everyone for the info. planning on purchasing one soon.:)
MoPar mod tops [ATTACH] you may think that they are cheesy. But they add to the value of your car now.
I was reading maverickdvm post on dash caps and was wondering how hard are they to install. Do you glue them on top of the cracked one? I was...
THANKS:tiphat: never did make it to look at the cars went trout fishing and morel mushroom gathering instead have to get my priorities in...
how about a list parts that doesn't rust :rofl: :rofl2: corrode or pit. Oh how I love my car:rolleyes: it's over 30 years old what else can you...
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