I have a 77 maverick with a 250. I tried to start it, it cranked one time then nothing. I jumped the solenoid with screwdrivers and got the engine...
Thanks for all the info. I will print everything out and start checking. I will get back as soon as I find something. When it comes to electrical...
Ok here is what I got. New Regulator, battery, alternator, and starter. i have checked everything I could check from ohms to fusible links and...
Sounds good thanks
Checked with meter I checked the battery with the car running and the meter set to V AC. I got a reading of 22.8. Just be sure I did it right I...
Still on Ok I replaced the regulator twice, had the alternator checked twice, and I went ahead and put in a brand new battery. The light is still...
My 77 Mav's alt light is on. I just installed new gauges, alternator,and voltage regulator. When the car is running the meter is only reading 12v...
My 77 Mav is finally running!!!! After weeks of trying I finally got my friend to help me. If he couldn't figure it out i was screwed. After 15...
I already have a vaccuum line hooked to that. It is coming from a hard line on the engine. Also there is a hook up for a big vacuum line on the...
On a 77 with a 250 the vaccuum advance on the distributor where does the vaccuum line go? would the cause backfiring through the exhuast if its...
Alright this is what i got now. put the old voltage regulator on and now I have consistant cranking but still no firing. I got the timing TDC on...
The car was running I removed the motor and trans. Cleaned the engine compartmnet, did some sheetmetal repair, and paint. Rebuilt the trans and...
I haven't tried checking with the meter yet, but i was wondering if the timing being off could cause sluggish cranks. Also I forgot to mention it...
Yes I have a digital meter. I will try jumping it later this evening. Thanks
Hooked the ground strap to the block and frame got two sluggish cranks then nothing. when i turn the key nothing happens or I get two or three...
got the ground strap will try it tomorrow thanks
I have a 77 Maverick and it is not firing. I have tried it with my current battery and now I have a brand new one, new starter, new solenoid, and...
Thanks alot that really helped out.
I have a 77 Mav. I am putting a 2bbl on it but was wondering if i could put a cold air intake on it. does any one have any ideas on how to do it....
That price is for a galvanized or aluminized tray or box. Stainless and aluminum would be $5 more. Steel trays or boxes are $5 less.
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