Ok, so after spending an hour using the removal tool and not catching the hook on anything but dirt and glue, can anyone please tell me what I'm...
I spoke with a guy at work who just built an old mustang and said that Dupli-Color makes a Ford specific Semi-gloss Black (DE1635) that is...
Auto-Loc makes some really nice ones that aren't too expensice, can get them with or without built-in turn signals too....
depends on which type of pins, I think some look really cheap(though still do the job) but there are some nice ones out there.
what if the wood wasn't a sticker, but in fact stained veneer? :hmmm:
Here's a teaser... :dancing:
lol I promise to post pics as soon as I have them done. I can easily do the Walnut and/or Allu, but never worked with carbon fiber before. I saw...
Hey guys, I've made templets for the dash panel, and am going to make attatchable trim that will cover the entire face, plus instrument cluster...
as long as you stayed with a stock color with "Dupont code" and had a pro with a controlled shop shoot it, I wonderif matching would still be an...
I never thought of that, how long is primer good for before the weather gets through it?
The LDO Mav's had a "wood" dash trim, but it didnt cover the entire thing, like around the instruments etc. Lowes sells sheets of the stuff for...
damn, and I tossed mine at scrap. Didn't think about repairing it, was just gonna replace everything.
bellhousing will bolt, but I think the fork is a little lower in the newer tranny, so you'll have to convert to cable. Double check that, but I'm...
Hi guys, I have a chance at "aquiring" a T5 from a 4 cyl mustang and was wondering if it was worth rebuilding it/converting it for a 302?
Is there a specific company that has repro windshields, or just any auto glass co.?
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone here has replaced any glass with "New" glass, instead of pulling from a donor? I was thinking New glass would...
I am an aluminum fabricator as a pass time, though I havn't done anything like this, I used to build custom "Mil-Spec/Mil-Sim" Paintball guns....
My Wife and kids are leaving next week for 3 weeks, so I'm going to see what I can do since I'll have extra time. They might be ugly, and held...
does anyone know how to disconnect the wiring harness at the firewall? (both sides) It needs to be revoved before I dip/blast it.:huh:
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