I have a 74, so they put in that stupid ass seatbelt system thing - the yellow box. I disconnected it rather roughly and moved it out of the way to work on the radio, and I think I may have messed it up, because when i reconnected everything and tried to start it, nothing happened. Power was still going to the blinkers, radio, dash lights, etc, but nothing happens when I turn the key. I might have messed something else up, but could the problem be the yellow box or am i looking in the wrong place? I'm completely stuck, so any help would be deeply appreciated.
There should be a button under the hood on the left front fender apron. Splice the wires going to it together and see if it starts.
Thank you soooo much for reminding me of that button. I pressed it and voila, it works. Now that seriously makes me wonder what that button does.
Okay so now I'm super confused. I did the splice thing and that made it start every time, which is awesome, but now the blinkers and radio don't work. I swear, its like one step forward 17 steps back. So what do you guys think is the problem now?
I ran into the same situtation,my blinkers don't work either when I connected all my lights together to work with my gauges,I still don't know what happened:/ I already checked the fuses and nothing
the blinkers are a simple system. if the fuse is good, try cleaning the contacts that hold the fuse. alot of times those are rusted or caroaded. do the hazards work? if so try swaping the flashers. are all the bulbs good? you may need to take a test light and see where theres power in the system. check to see if there is power at the flasher, at both sides of the fuse, etc...