I replaced my drivers side fender the other day and took a peek thru the hole to the cowl area. I could see rust in there, there is no rust thru yet and none on the bottom side that I can see from looking up under the dash. My question what can I do to stop the rust now before it becomes a big problem without removing the cowl panel.
or dont leave it outside in the rain for that matter... but if u dont have a garage then that's something that you'll need to address if you dont want future problems
I have it under a carport most of the time but it does get caught out in the rain from time to time. I don't think it it the rain that causes the rust to form but the fact that I live on the gulf of mexico. That salt air is a killer. I never had any rust issues on my old ford truck until I moved here then it seemed like rust spots were everywhere. I'll try to go thru the holes in the cowl as was suggested with por or rust bullet.
I'd like to build one of these for a Maverick just for those times when you get caught in the rain. I've seen them on Mustangs. http://www.mustangsplus.com/xcart/product.php?productid=5079
I had heater out an fresh vent out, went to the rust proofing spray guy. I covered floor real well and had him spray everywhere he could. We drilled a couple of holes under hood then plugged with plastic plugs. You may want to tape vent slots so spray wont hit hood and windshield. Good Luck
My cowl vent doesn't leak, but I had an issue with the foam rubber gasket between the heater box and the cowl vent on the passenger side and I didn't know about it, because well I don't ride on the passenger side... Took the Mav on a road trip to my parents' place in December with my wife and kid, and she kept telling me there was an awful draft in her side and the heater did nothing for it. She tried a blanket, stuffing things in the package shelf, etc., was apparently pretty miserable and I didn't have the time or place to do anything about it on the road. Then I got an idea... Stopped at a Lowe's on the way and went over to where they keep the central air stuff, filters, etc. and got a pack of magnetic vent covers. They're just sheets of vinyl about the size of a license plate (or a ceiling vent) and I just slapped two of those over the cowl vents in front of the windshield. Had to cut a notch for the passenger side windshield wiper. That fixed the problem until I could fix it right...
Sorry, but I can't buy anything from that guy, just on principle. Same goes for Ron Popeil or Vince the ShamWow guy. In fact, I think if I saw any of those three people drowning or on fire, I would probably keep walking...
well the sham wow guys a fake...if you watch it closely with the soda...the mess just disapears under it when he goes to pick it up
I have some magnetic material (like magnetic signs are made of). I was going to use it for the same thing. I had no idea there were magentic vent covers. I'll have to look for them this weekend. Thanks for the idea!