In the hokey 1986 movie, "MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE" starring Emilio Estevez, the newlyweds make a stop on there way to the truckstop diner where everyone is being held at bay by those 'living' Diesel Rigs going round in circles. At the first gas station the newlyweds come to, there is a 2-door tan Maverick with the front-end up on blocks (apparently). It's shown in two scenes. (saw the movie again during a sleepless last night - here's a pretty good REVIEW of the not-so-great Stephen King film)
I think it's one of those,"Let's see just how much corn we can fit into one movie" type things. 'Can't wait for it to come on again.
I remember that movie. Actually saw it a couple of times and missed seeing the Maverick each time. I'll have to keep my eyes open for the next time it airs.