you asked me to let everyone know when registration opens for the january 10-11 show. WELL, IT IS OPEN!!!!! 2thumbs: i got my registration page in the mail tody. registration is free for the first 1000 cars and includes entry into the park for 2 people. DO NOT procrastinate to register. this show fills up fast. for registration form go to or call derek putnam @352-861-8701 or email @ looking forward to seeing some new faces this year. Hey fred and hottie, we might need to hold memorial services for the 2 departed family members while we are there. hahahaha
Here is a direct link to the Registration Form
Worked for me, but I don't have a printer..... I think this is a good reason to drive the mav today, NPD is only 15 min. from the house...
Jason, Thanks for posting ... getting my registration in the mail Monday. Hope they'll let us park Lil's pretty black Mustang near the Mavs & Comets. My Comet is getting less pretty by the day. Ought to be pretty ugly by January ...
dave, it's only a 2 day drive. do i hear a roadtrip chant??? jeff, mine will be in the ugly stage also but it will be there barring anything unforeseen. hopefully with the new engine in. there is a b-b-q at NPD hosted by the northflorida mustang club and NPD. the npd museum willl be open ($12.50 per personincludes all) and they are serving chicken and ribs. runs from 6-9 p.m. registration is limited to the first 350 cars. for info contact ron bringle @ 352-489-0654 no pets or alchohol 900 s w 38th avenue, ocala, fl 34474
The barbecue is limited because of space to the first 350 who send their money in, so you need to send it in soon. The North Central Florida Mustan Club(of which I am one of the 7 founding members) is the host, along with NPD. There will be a band, too. Jim
Your welcome Frank- I got my room reservation today...stay at the Sun Plaza hotel...about 2 or 3 blocks from the show.
I am one of the founding members as well. I will be there. I signed up for the show Sunday. My mav will be there in it's unrestored glory rust and all. (the 74 grabber) If by some miracle the 71 is running I will bring it insted... Ken
Just sent mine off today. HOPEFULLY the Mav will be running by then! About a 2 hour trip for me. Have family in Ocala so at least I dont have to pay for a hotel.