My dad picked this up Saturday to drive back and forth to work while his Mustang is down. Found it on Craigslist, guy was asking $1150, talked him down to $950. Bought it from an older guy who was the original owner. Been in GA since new, so no rust or anything like that, body is incredibly straight, pretty much flawless. It was originally brown and had a crappy repaint at some point. 130,000 miles, 5.0 with the speed density SEFI, 4 speed O/D manual and a 9 inch rear, which surprised me for an '86 model, I thought they had gone to the 8.8 by then. P/S and power brakes of course, cruise, full gauges with the relatively rare factory tach, dual tanks, heat and A/C work great, it idles so smooth and quiet you can barely tell it's running. Just a good old truck.
Looks good for the money. Not my favorite body style (I like the dents better) but they're growing on me.
My dad's actually always wanted one this body style. He had a real nice '94 flareside for a while a few years back that he ended up selling, but he was actually looking for one of this body style when he bought the '94. Personally, the '67-'72 bump sides are my all time favorite trucks, if I were to buy a dent side it'd have to be a Bronco.
Nice truck. I love those old Fords. Unfortunately I just traded in my '90 a couple weeks ago for something more efficient and I already miss it.