Well I am still having charging issues. I bought a 1 wire alt. When I hooked the battery back up it just sparks. I have the 1 wire running from the alt to the battery side. All the other wire are not connected. I thought this was gonna be easy but I guess not. Any ideas?
Yeah, direct short to ground. I've got a GM alternator, no sparks. Check to make sure you didn't pinch a hot wire somewhere. Disconnect the hot wire for the alternator, if it still sparks, it's in the harness somewhere. If it only sparks when you hook up the alternator, your alternator is bad.
I have a one wire for over a year "no issues" works fine. It only has one wire "battery to bat side of solenoid". No harness. I am assuming u have other wires than wire frm bat to solenoid?
I figured it out. The oil dipstick was touching the terminal of the alt. Moved the dipstick tube and it works like a charm. Charging priblems finally over.
My one-wire is also too close to the dip stick tube. Someone on here said the alternator could be partially disassembled and the case could be "clocked" to position the terminal away from the dip stick tube. Haven't done it yet but I its on my list.
I stuck a long piece of 5/8 heater hose on my dipstick as a safety measure , that was/is my solution. I did'nt think abt ur wire touching the tube. When I had the original/stock type unit it was'nt an issue. I hve a 130a sml unit w/ internal fan. My unit was not touching but was awfully close "to close for comfort", --- Better safe than sorry.
mine isn't a one wire, it's a 3g and I did have to reclock it when I mounted it to prevent contact of the hot post to the dipstick tube as well.
You're probably the one that made the comment. It stuck with me as a solution. If someone tried to adjust the alternator belt on mine they'd probably ground the alternator terminal. Gotta get at that some day.