do I need 12 v from the ign. switch to the small terminal on the solenoid?.......the wire I'm using reads 5.5v and all it does is click the starter.....I'm positive the starter is good and it's a new solenoid on the fender apron.
Yes you need 12v to the small terminal next to the battery cable terminal on the solenoid to energize it. You can always take a screwdriver and short the battery terminal and the small terminal together. If it cranks, the solenoid, starter and battery are good.
The second small terminal on the solenoid goes to the ignition system. It supplies 12v out while cranking to bypass the resistive wire going to the coil. Gives you a hotter spark for starting.
hummm......doesn't crank jumping the solenoid.......I'm positive the battery and starter are good and the solenoid is will crank if I run a hot wire from battery to starter side of solenoid and jumping both big terminals on the solenoid.....
Sounds like you have a battery or maybe cable issue... Measure voltage on battery, if it's not 12v there's your problem...
First of all make sure the solenoid is properly grounded. It will not work without a ground. Then make sure the 2 wires on the small terminals are not switched. By jumping together both big terminals on the solenoid, your doing what the solenoid is supposed to do. When 12v is applier to the small "S" start terminal, next to the battery terminal, the solenoid shorts the big terminals, and the small "I" terminal together, so the starter is getting 12v directly from the battery and a full 12 volts is going to the coil. Also make sure the small "S" terminal is next to the battery terminal. If you take a set of jumper cables and jump from the battery terminal to the starter terminal and it cranks, the starter is good and the battery has enough voltage to crank it. Then remove wire from the small "S" terminal and short that terminal to the battery terminal. If nothing happens, the solenoid is bad. After you determine the solenoid is good, you need 12v from the ignition switch to operate the solenoid.
well boys I gotta tell ya.....I feel like a real doodad.....I've been fooling with cars for over 50 years. my no crank problem was because I had one of the small terminal wires wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the replies got me thinking and checking....and mavaholic pretty much nailed it..........good lesson for all........basic ,look for basic stuff !!!!!!!! THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!