My dad and I rebuilt the carburetor on my 1970 maverick (Straight 6, 3.3L) a couple months ago, but the thing is still problematic. It was leaking all over the place about two weeks after from the back-right side (by the exhaust manifold). Now, there's a hiccup in the acceleration. When I push the pedal down to the floor, it gags and seems just about ready to stall. I have no idea what the HeCk is HaPpeNiNg!!! Please Help!! -David from AZ
It sounds like it could be the accelerator pump not working properly. A missing check-ball or ruptured pump cup?
Carb problems Having the SAME EXACT problems with my 1970 maverick 200I6. The carter carb just sucks. I say this after buying a new rebuilt one, replacing the rubber fuel lines and draining/cleaning out the gas tank. The carb just works when it wants to. Help anyone?
i have the exact problem! i have the 250 I6 in mine and when i hit it, the motor just about dies beacause it lags so bad. ive heard maybe vacuum advanced problems?? im going to try a new carb first. if that doesnt work im replaced the vacuum advance. help??
One thing I would make sure of is that you have enough spark for all the fuel when flooring it. Upgrade to an electronic ignition and coil, new plugs and all that fun stuff. I know when I installed to 2bbl weber on my 200 it bogged down when the second jet kicked in. But the problem seemed to stop once I upgraded the ignition system. Maybe no your problem, but worth a shot if you haven't changed to ignition.
Ive had that problem with mine for many years and just learned to live with it. But last year I got to tinkering around and opened up my point gap a little, it made a big difference! Its just a matter of time before I go to a Duraspark setup.
David, Can you describe your problems a little better? You say it was leaking all over the place and then you point to just one area. Was it gasoline or a vacuum leak? When you say it gags, does it hesitate and nearly stall or does it backfire through the carburetor? Is this a manual or automatic. Are you using the Holley or the Carter carb? What if any modifications have you done to the car? Micah
Sorry about that. Gets a bit confusing when people reactivate old threads to get answers to their new question.
if your having that acceleration problem put a brand new carb and distributor in it. I had the exact problem with my 250 i6 and as soon as I put a crab and distributor it was night and day difference. fixes the problem and now she's a one wheel ground pounder lol
I'm having a similar issue with my 70. Seems like I can advance the timing and solve the "stalling" issue but then its hard to start and the idle isn't great. I have adjusted the carb about every way possible. I have new plugs, wires, cap. I'm chalking it up to a junk carb. I'm just debating whether I will be dropping in a 302 or getting ahead and intake and putting on a turbo. Joe-Phoenix