I'm currently in the process of restoring a 1970 Maverick and the process has been long and tedious I am about 50% done with the body work.(Entire Car had to be sanded to the bare metal puttied and smoothed over i again and again) but i am dropping a 347 stroker (302 block) in it and I have purchased the new motor mounts and the belly bar for the conversion and i was wondering what else do i need? as well as will i have any clearance issues will it all fit with out cutting and and mods i need to do while building the engine? I'm sure there are plenty of you that have done this already, and have gone though it and experienced every problem with it alredy and any tips y'all can give would be great. (First Maverick/first total restore/build project) Thanks.
If your car was a 6 cyl, you will need frame mounts and the double hump transmission cross member. It will all fit just fine depending on what trans your going to run.
i think 69.5's had a smaller trans space under the floor pan and a v8 c4 bell housing wont fit. i dont know if that carried over to actuall 70's though. but since mavericks had 302's stock it shouldnt have a big problem getting in with the right motor mounts. the inlets in the radiator (6 cylinder cars) wont match up with the inlets on a v8 so you'll have to address that headers can also be a hassle. hookers seems to be the choice around here.