My 74 Mav is running rough carter 1b,not sure if you can hear it in the video. Checked all and I mean all vac lines plugs, wires, point, cap. Adjusted ideal and fuel air mix. For some reason it runs good then it starts going down from there. Help please, should I keep trying to adjust this carb or just replace? [nomedia=""]1974 Mav running rough - YouTube[/nomedia]
Whats the timing set too? It sounds like its running too fast in park. What are the rpm's at in park?
RPMs not sure no gage for that, how would I tell? And the timing I think it was set around 6. In drive she shakes like she wants to turn off. ? Is there only one fuel filter or two? I did replace the one to the carb. Could this be why she wants to turn off on me at a stop not getting enough fuel?
There's 2 filters if im not mistaken, one in the tank attached to the fuel sending unti and one at the carb. Best thing to do is get a cheap tach and wire it up so you know where your RPM range is at idle. From the sounds of the video your running at anywhere 1000-1200 rpms in park. A stock motor should be anywhere from 500-700 rpms in park. I would double check your acc linkage and and make sure the screws are adjusted properly, if they are adjust the air fuel mixture screws to bring down the engine idle in park. What vaccum hoses do you have connected? Buy a cheap timing light and find out where your timing really is.
Thanks for the info. Now is there any topics here on how to install a rpm gage? On the vac hoses that I think they are are installed right. I have some pic of them on here.