It’s been a while since I posted anything, been busy with kid’s cars (smog B.S.), house stuff and life in general. Was meaning to make it to a few car shows this summer but time has flown by. Some of you might remember awhile back I scrapped my 302 plans. To do it right, my car would need upgraded brakes, trans and diff plus the 302. I had decided that’s going to have to wait for now, overtime I can collect parts and take my time. In the meantime I’ve decided to rebuild the 200 and have a little fun. I sourced a 200 from a Bronco guy about a month ago and it took me this long to finally make some headway! Spent the afternoon tearing it down, bagging bolts, and cataloging each piece as it came off. Not quite finished but pretty happy with my progress and the state of engine. With any luck I’ll get it completely torn down tomorrow. I’ve uploaded some pics (I know how we all like those)! Hopefully this will be the fun part!
may I ask why you are going through all this trouble and expense and not upgrading least a 250...?
I think it really comes down to the availability of 200/250's in my area, I was searching for months on CL and other boards. They sell fast and have been going for over $300 a pop.
Yes, I'll be using the Falcon Six Cylinder Performance Handbook as a guide. They have some good tips and should be a good bit of fun.
The block is ready for the machine shop, it only had one broken bolt which I was able to drill out. I did hit the threads slightly but I think its ok. I'll mock up the water pump and torque to spec, if it holds I'm good, if not, the machine shop will have to fix it (LOL). I also got the head stripped down but its got two broken bolts, both are at the exhaust manifold. Should be loads of fun.
Absolutely, been doing a lot of reading lately. Not sure what I’m going with it yet but definitely a cam and solid lifters. Likely a mild port and polish (I’ve been itching to give it a try). Maybe some flat top pistons from an early tempo, they are very reasonably priced. Not to wild but I’m going to have some fun. I’d like to get a cross flow head but for 2k, it’s not worth it to me. For that kind of money your talking 302/331 territory etc... The cool factor of the triple single barrel is calling my name, so I think that’s the plan!
I considered that, but my car is a daily driver and I didn't wan to mess with the tuning. I did a port and polish job on a spare head I have. Took a lot of time...I mean a lot. I wanted (eventually) to go with a 264/264 cam, and do my exhaust and call it at that. Right now I have 1.6 adjustable rocks, a DSII, and a weber 32/32.
Made some progress, cleaned up some passageways, freeze plugs and flashing. I've attached to before and after pic's!
Not sure if you have done this, but don't for get to clean and chase all the threads to make sure you get it all torqued down correctly. Looks really good. Is the cylinder head next?
I’ll definitely chase the threads before I send it out. I have a few more tid bits to clean up and the bottom end will be ready to send out to the machine shop. I’ll start in on the head while it’s out, we’ll see how things go!