I have enough done to start shipping.....so..... send check or money order to: John Ford 2127 Peabody Lane Louisville, KY. 40218 cost: $10 for 1 $5 for additionals.... **shipping is included in the cost. ***Please send a small letter with your user name from this board so I can contact you to let you know I have recieved the order and mailed the calendars. Thanks a bunch! John.
The check is in the mail. Kentucky Rocks and will rock like never before in late July 2005. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!
The check went out in the mail today for 7 of them. Xmas is coming quick. What a great Xmas gift these will be.....Thanks for all your hard work. Can't wait to get them.
Sent you a check for three this morning. Lookin foward to gettin em and Thanks for taking the time to put it all together. Those of us who aint talented are sure thankfull to those on the board who are.
Check will be in the mail today for 2 or 3... not sure which one yet. Thinking of surprising someone w/ one for Christmas
Nothign wrong w/ sending cash..... i trust you guys Plus, its not much to loose and id like it in time for christmas
John, I'd like one too. I'll get a money order out to you this weekend. I've had a lot of good comments regarding this year's hanging on the wall here in my office. Thanks, Bruce