Ok ,folks ,i can guarrentee you all that the 2009 calendar is going to look great as i have seen the 1st layout ,the final proof will be this wedsday . I also have a final price and it is much better than the price that all of you committed to around 25.00 or less .The final price will be (21.00 U.S ) packaging,postage, shipping and paypal fees included to your door. I was able to get a much better price as i commetted to 125 calendars instead of 100.( Paypal request ) to beverlycannon@shaw.ca will be set up NOW for those who will pay this way ,please include your full name ,address for postage , for those who will pay via money order please send to :Beverly Cannon 34377 Immel st Abbotsford,B.C Canada v2s 4t5 . Thanks everyone who has committed to this Calendar ,you should all have recieved your calendar or calendars before Dec 1st /2008. James Beaulieu
Is there any discount for additional calendars, since the second and third can be mailed with the first one? Roz
2009 calendar No,this cannot be done ,i have come up with this 21.00 figure taking into considiration for multiple calendars being sent as canada post took the weight of a typical calendar and envelope packaging to come up with a price for one to be shipped to any of the 48 states,so the price for postage will be greater for two or three from greater weight,but i have crunched the numbers and at this price it works for all.Im trying to keep this simple ,i dont want any extra work than is nessisary for me or Bev.
To all members ,paypal is acceptable NOW , you can make your request any time NOW. to beverlycannon@shaw.ca put maverick calendar in subject line , thaks James Beaulieu , Bev is my girlfriend her forum name is Grabbergirl719
Payment has been sent, she wont be your girlfriend for long if you dont get to work and get her car done. :Handshake
I was wondering about that myself since I do remember her, Grabbergirl, saying something about leaving HIS parts on her car! But now that this GREAT calendar is now up on the market he will have most of next year to get back to her car! bananaman All kidding aside, THANKS JIMMY2GATES FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE MISTER CALENDAR DESIGNER GUY!!!! My order will be sent in on payday! rk
Money sent! (paypal) Thanks for taking on this project. I got stuck with the Snap-On Tools calendar last year...