Voting has started for the members on the location of the 2011 GATHERING if your a member please vote!!! I have already put my vote in
members get a voting notice through e-mails. Thats one of the advantages of being a member of the MCG, instead of a couple people deciding where "your" national event is to be held, the membership votes. :Handshake
I voted. Somerset is much more centrally located for most of the members, including myself. Being an ole Ky boy at heart, guess which one I voted for, lol Jim
If anyone does join. When I'm notified of it, and Ruth does get a notice if paid by Paypal. Or the app. gets mailed to her. Then we will send out a notice to vote by email. The notice also has a complete itinerary for both locations. The voting will close this Friday. The voting is all done by email. you can join here.