I really need some help! My car is disassembled and in paint jail and I have to make a critical decision about how to finish the head. Here is my delima. We plan on adding a 2bbl webber using a Clifford performance adaptor and a K and N air induction hat. But now that I am mocking up the engine I am fearing hood clearance issues and may need to do a complete reversal on the carb and additional work on the adaptor. So if anyone has a 250 (not a 200) I need to determine the manifold to hood distance at the log or if it is a 250 (71 or newer with EGR) the height of the carb with air cleaner and if possible an estimate or remaining distance above the air cleaner. Also the head casting becomes important the 6090-M castings (large log) had additional height at the log due to the casting, the 6090-BA heads were planed about a quarter lower at the log so if anyone could measure please let me know what casting M or BA you are measuring from. THANK YOU for your help I really need to get the info to the machine shop ASAP to get the engine done. THANK YOU AGAIN
Can only give you a couple of pictures from a previous thread. Not sure how much it helps: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=96717&highlight=micah+carb Micah