I just spoke with ESPO about rear springs. They said the 4 leaf ones were $195 plus shipping and the 3 leaf ones were $225 because more 4 leaf are sold. My Comet GT has 3 leaf ones on it now. What is the advantage of the 4 leaf? I heard they ride much stiffer than the 3 leaf ones. Jim
I installed 4-leaf springs and think they ride great. One advantage is you could always take one out if you thought they were too stiff....
Counting leafs is not the best way to know the load rate. Some factory 3-leaf springs are stiffer than some factory 4-leaf springs. Any new spring will ride different when comparing them to 40+ year old spring. My 4-leaf springs I got form Laurel Mountain Mustang might not ride the same as ESPO springs if the thickness of the leafs are different. I would say my springs ride almost as stiff as my F150 pickup with an empty load
Craig- Why did you do 4 leaf and not 3. Is yours a 4 dr that you have these on? 3 leaf is suggested for a 2 dr. $195 a pair for 4 leaf and $225 for 3 leaf. Don't make sense.
I am running JCWhitney 4-leafs, and wonder... Did any of you find your pinion angle changed a bit with the installation of a 4-leaf spring? After that install, that is about when I started to hear the pinion-angle roar.
I have about 6 degrees of negative pinion angle and cannot, for the life of me, figure out where I got it. I know I probably picked up a degree or two from the MII swap, but WAY before that, I have had horrible pinion issues. Swapping springs was one of the first things I did, so naturally, I wondered if that was where I got the most of the off-angle. I guess not...
From the factory, a car with the "Heavy Duty" suspension package would have the 4 leaf springs, regardless if it was a 2dr or a 4 dr. I have ESPO 4 leafs on my green car, and I love the ride, it is way better than the stock soggy 3 leafs.
I had JC Whitney 4-leaf springs. They rode much too stiff. I got a new set of 3-leaf from ESPO but haven't installed them yet. I have to wonder if ESPO's 4-leaf offerings are less stiff than the JC Whitneys. I've seen pics of members' cars here with 4-leaf, and they sit too dang high for my taste. These car cars, not 4x4s. The only reason I got 4-leaf in the first place was because the rear was sagging with the old springs, and I figured that with 4-leaf, it would never sag again. In hindsight, I'd lower the front before raising the rear.