Hi all, i have 3 cars, 72 comet, 72 maverick & a 70 maverick I'm in the prosess of building a bracket car with the 72 maverick using a full tube chassis , a narrowed 9", a stroked to 514" 460 and a powerglide since i don't like shifting. I expect it to be pretty quick. With the 1970 Maverick, I'm going to restore it to almost stock except I'm going to replace the rearend with a heavier one, use 5 stud wheels with taller tires and replacer the current 6 cyl. with a 300 six from a 75 5 ton truck. It should be a neat street car. I'm looking for performance tips on this engine and would appreciate any info. Thanks
Thought about that myself, but after searching these forums it seems stuffing a 300' isn't worth the effort (to me). Goodluck and keep us updated if you go through with it!
In a old carcraft there is a fairmont running a 300/turbo it runs in the low low 10's. Or maybe it was a falcon.. google fordsix.com there is lots of tips on six's....
I think you're going to find out that there's going to be a lot of fab work for it to fit. If I remember right the problem ids the length of the motor. Do a search on here. I'm sure there are lots of threads on that subject.
"I'm in the prosess of building a bracket car with the 72 maverick using a full tube chassis , a narrowed 9", a stroked to 514" 460 and a powerglide." i think he can handle installing a...6 banger... ......
Blaspheme Thanks for the vote of confidence 71 Gold, I hope your right Good day to you Graber 71, I've seen your car at Port Albernie and Saratoga a few times but we haven't met. Watching your car is what inspired me to reaquire a maverick and build a bracket car. In April 08 I realized that I wasn't going to have the car finished and racing season was coming up fast so I started looking around for something to put my motor in and all I found was a red 79 nova that was backhalfed, so a set of motor mounts and headers later, I was off to the races. The ford guys love it because the chevy guys hate it. This winter I'm puting a 350 in my wifes Jag so the winter after that I'll ether work on finishing my 72 or I might work on puting the 300 6 in my 71. Hard to chose I'll see you at the races June 28 or the 4th in port McNiel
I tend to agree with the crowd... A 300 will use just as much fuel as a 302, while being a bear to install. I am not suggesting you aren't capable of doing it. Just that it is easier to go from small six to 302 vs small six to big six. The 300 was never put into anything on a Falcon frame, so everything has to be fabbed to mount it up. Then the extra long/tall engine is a tight fit, believe it or not. I have seen them in Mavericks, and every one I have seen in a Maverick has needed a hole cut offset in the hood to clear the carb. I like hoodscoops myself, but there is something about a hoodscoop mounted on one side of the hood that isn't appealing, IMO anyway.
there was a falcon at the Knotts show with a 300. he had to mod the front grill because he placed the radiator in front to make room for the 300. he used a custom intake setup that prevented the need for a hood hole. jayman may be able to post some pics, as i didnt really get any sorry.
I think you have to put the Maverick radiator in the front of the radiator support as well. Seems that was the case with the big block I6 cars I have seen.