I just took it to the shop to in hopes of getting the 302 engine settled down on the motor mounts but the guy told me 302 mounts I bought didn't fit so he suggested drilling or welding a hole were the mounts fit so i wouldn't have to buy any conversation kit. I was looking at the forms and saw i would need 302 frame mounts in order to do the swap and have the V8 mounts work but i don't have time to order them right now cause the the guy form the shope is willing to have the car there till the end of next week so i was wonderinf what may work that i can buy at a AUTO ZONE to fix this problem? Suggestions any one??? I am guessing the car had a i6 before thats why the motor mounts dont work but dont it didn't come with a motor when i bought the car. Also the guy told me i have to change the arms/ springs and support to that of a V8 ones because the i6 are not made to hanlde the power of a V8, what do i do:confused: . I just got the tranmission rebuild and I THINK the speed-o cable should work now. I posted this in an onther theared/post thought you guys may want to know . I'll keep you guys posted
You probably bought 302 motor mounts ... you need 302 frame mounts ... somebody on the board may be able to help ... I sold my only available set last week. The springs can be swapped later on if you are not happy with the ride height of the front end.
I believe i just saw that autokrafters is offering new reproductions of the frame mounts? might want to check there
If you order them for AK and you need them in a hurry ... make sure they have it in stock otherwise who know when they will show up. Here's the repops ... way more than people charge for the originals ... and they don't even come with bolts ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...tem=7961622211&category=50454&sspagename=WDVW
To check a speedo cable, with it out of the car or just disconnected at both end, turn one end. If the other end also turns then it works. Pull one end about an inch, if the oposite end moves in then it is not broken.
does AK kiss you when you buy these? (taken from dogday afternoon...another classic line from al pacino)
I6 springs will hold it up just fine,200 springs will let it sit a bit lower than stock,250 springs are same as v8's(5th digit in vin# tells engine-F-302,L-250,X-200.)
If you can find a quick set of 66-70 Stang frame stands, they will work too. Otherwise, if your mechanic can weld decent, you might take him up on modding your existing frame stands. Welding, when done right, will make just as strong a part as any other you might buy. Good luck Dave
seed-o cable Well when i bought the car it didn't have an engine thats true but when i put the 302 in i had to repalced the insturmental cluster because it wasn't any good and a week before taking it to the tramsmission shop for the tranmission rebuild i pulled out the speed-o cable to check it and it looked OK, no sing of damge. The guy form the shop said it "should" work know that the transmission is rebuild but if doesn't i'll need just the cable form inside without the plastic cover. I'll check back with him Monday mornning to see if the cable works and see if he hasn't drilled any holes for the motor mounts yet cause i think i'll save up for the frame mounts instead don't really want so many holes in my mav the rust ones are plently enought already!!! I Heared drilling the chassis may casue damge to the enginge because of it sitting so low in the frame?
Update Transmission and speed-o cable fixed. All i need are the V8 frame mounts anybody think they can help me out with that? Thanks
I have a set of 302 frame mounts and this may sound high I want $77.00 shipping included this is what I paid for them on Ebay the in next couple of days I was lucky and found a set at the junk yard when looking for timing chain cover and alt. and power steering brackets if you are interested mail me at jimbarbier@hotmail.com p.s bolts are included