I've read the posts about 302 headers being a Pian in the back from not fitting correctly to having to drop/add a spacer to the power steering colmon and am worry about which headers i can get that will actually fit without mod. So far it seem the best headers to go with are the Hooker 6901 and not the hedman 88300. Which do i get I don't what to have a hard time with the headers. Some one plz help!!! I have a 302, p/s, C4 AT, no A/C
If you have a floor shift automatic ... you shouldn't have problems with the Hookers or Hedmans ... Its the folks with column shifter for manual shift cars that have the most problems.
danny, i have the hooker 6901's on my 71. floor shifter and no power steering. they go in pretty easy. jack the car up as high as you can and install from underneath. you may have to loosen the motor mount bolt on the passenger side. you definitely will on the driver side. put a block underneath the oil pan if you jack it up there. easier if you have some one up top to grab the header and stick a couple of bolts in. can't tell you about the hedmans as the hookers are the only ones i've tried.
How do you if it is floor/column shift automatic? It has the (P R N D 2) on top. Proalby a dumb question i know but i dont know to much about cars iam new at this.
The (P R N D 2 1) are on top and if i am right it is the one i use when i put in the gear to move. hope that is right because there is nothing on the floor but carpet and two bucket seats up front lol.
you have a column shifter. any headers are going to be a problem unless you change to a floor shift. it can be done but you have to change the linkage somehow. others have done it, but i haven't.
B&m makes a floor shifter with a cable operation and parts for whatever tranny.Watch that its far enough back to not rub the top of the tranny and be aware the neutral saftey in the will only let the car start in P and N on the coloum . If you take out the coloum linkages the stick(on the column) could slide down and not let you start or let you start in gear(not good). The kit provides a place to re rout the switch wires but I went on to a manual conversion B4 i finished. Good luck.
had to remove the entire column shift mechanism bars spacers frame brackets etc to get mine in added a b&m z-gate and down the road I went