I recently had to replace my midas muffler with a flow through glasspack because the midas muffler got smashed pulling out of the parking lot. The engine seems to be running a lot better but is running rich throughout the rpm range. A few details on the engine: Pertronix mod in the distributor, Edelbrock 4bbl intake and carb(650cfm). Upgraded ignition coil and wires, 1 inch 4 hole spacer between intake and carb. The engine seems to be missing at idle and under light acceleration. I live at 9000 feet in the Rockies. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have checked and rechecked the ignition system and it seems fine. Thanks, Jonathan
Sounds like the carb needs tweeked just a little to compensate for the difference in the back pressure of the new exhaust.
how did you come to this conclusion? Might try taking the spacer off...this will decrease plentum volume which should lean it a bit....other than that, go down 2 jet sizes on the ole carb-i-nator.
Since the air at altitude is leaner (less oxygen), the fuel settings in the carb needs to be leaner too. Call Edelbrock's tech line and they can give you a good baseline. They have seen this before. My Mav has a 600 Holley that is pretty well tuned for sea level, and when I went of a west coast road trip through the Rockies, it ran like absolute crap at altitude.
The car smells like gas when idling and accelerating now. I will probably change the jets out. I have adjusted the idle screws and it seemed to help the idle but I am still smelling gas when accelerating. Jonathan