to begin with, im sorry because i know im repeating a thread. In all honesty i kept getting an error message when i tried searching for this topic. So i had it and just decided to post a question. Ive wanted to make a street/strip car for awhile now and came up with the idea to make my maverick one (go figures haha) but i didnt know how to. Then i remembered that i have a spare 1971 302 sitting in my barn and i thought that it would be perfect to build up. Thing is, i dont know if i want a 331 stroker or a 347. Whats the big differences on these two engines besides stroke and bore size? which one would be the "better" one to build up for very mild strip use and normal street use? Ive made up in my mind what i want and probably will do unless the information given here somehow changes my mind. I just really want some info on the differences on these two engines. Thanks.
they both cost about the same so why not go with the bigger one.... but no matter what you decide, just be sure to buy a reputable stroker kit that DOESN'T have the piston oil ring going thru the wrist pin hole
Big difference is 16 cubic inches. Actually there isn't much of a difference of which is better anymore. The early 347's had some problems where the rings would be but that's been fixed now. They just changed pistons. I'd go for the 347 now adays.
I would have perferred to go to 408 cubic inches with my Cleveland but my engine builder cautioned me that my deck height would not support that decission so I settled with "only" 393 cubes. I'm still happy
a 370 stroked 302? How do you do that? and ya i had in my mind 347 stroker and will stick with it for the time being.
also, wheres a good place online that i could find a 347 stroker kit for a reasonable price? ive been looking at summit and im just wondering if theres any other places with similar to lower prices.
I dont know if you follow craigslist or not but here is an ad for stroker motor builds near your area. I spoke with him awhile ago before I decided were I was going to get my stroker motor. Might be worth you time or might not, cant hurt to call.
i never thought about craigslist for this type of thing. Huh, thanks for that. Im just wondering if it would be cheaper for me to build it up myself or have someone else do it for me.
It's always cheaper to do it yourself if you know what you are doing. Sometimes it seems like it's easier to just have it done, especially if you don't have all the tools or need to have machine work done.
check with a shop and see what they charge for labor on putting your parts Guy charged me $300... ...Frank...
i have 95% of the parts to do everything myself. Its pretty easy to build an engine for me. Just got done building up my 2.3 for my ranger.
I was always taught that "There is no replacement for displacement". I'd go with the 347. That's what I'm building for my 72 comet gt.