I have the opportunity to get a 79 ford f150 with a 351 midland that I know runs really well and has been well taken care of and not abused ever for dirt cheap. a few old broken portable generators cheap in fact. Im wondering if it will bolt directly to my c4? I want to drop this in my 72 comet until the new monster motor is done. any input in appreciated
The 351M is a modified 400 small block - part of the 335 family. They use the 385 engine family bell housing, which is the 429/460 engines found in the parade floats of the day, like the Ford LTD and the Mercury Marquee.
No such thing as a Midland they are Modified, which as others have pointed out are a 351 built in a 400 block, you'll have to drop it from about 10ft to get between the shock towers... Are approx same size as a FE... Trans bolt pattern is same as 400, 429, 460...
sooooo will the c4 bolt up? and as far as the shock towers go I know the towers have to be cut back but is this motor bigger than the 351 every one is putting in there maverick or comet?
okay so it will fit a c4 trans? if it will bolt up the rest isn't a problem. I have a friend that can fabricate just about anything I can think of as long as I don't have to bend anything
every thing I see says I need either a super rare bell housing or an aftermarket one so this motor wont be going into my car it will stay with the truck and Ill sell the whole truck then buy a junkyard 5.0 for my car
They have big valves, but are low-compression smogger motors. Best suited for trucks or luxury cars. Won't clear the stock hood, and custom headers would be needed.